``There's no border for challenges``
The Athlete
BORN:26th June 1981PLACE OF BIRTH:Kecskemét, HungaryNATIONALITY:HungarianWORK:Elite Paratriathlete, Paratriathlon PROmouter, Triathlon CoachHOBBY:Mountain Bike, Trips, Traveling, InternetPHILOSOPHY:“There is no secret, only hard work”
The Paratriathlete
HOW DID HE GET IN TO TRIATHLON:Started as a swimmer at the age of 6 for health reasons but started to enter competitions soon. Qualified to the European Championship in 1999 and to the World Championship in 2002. After missing the qualification to the Athens Paralimpics, changed his focus and moved into triathlon, where he achieved immediate success.
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